What to do with all those ribbons?

I don’t know about you, but I have the hardest time throwing away ribbons.

It doesn’t really matter what placing it is, I just can’t seem to toss them. Every time I try to thin them out I think of all the hundreds, even thousands of hours in the saddle it took to earn it. I think of all the sacrifices I make to show. I think of all the late nights and early mornings, frantically getting ready for the next class. It isn’t just a 50¢ ribbon to me. It is a symbol of all hardwork, sacrifices, and dedication it took to earn it. Add in the sentimental journey Athena and I have made together and there is no way that ribbon is getting thrown out.

Unfortunately our ribbon stash was getting just a little out of control. I used to display them the way we all did at some point or another, at the top of the wall, hanging on a string that served as a colorful border around the room. I started to have more ribbons than space, and I really hated the way the string sagged in certain areas. It clashed with my simple, clean decorating taste. I sat back in my office chair and started to brainstorm a classier way to display our ribbons.

After several unsatisfactory projects, I finally landed upon one I am very happy with!

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I took most of the ribbons from Athena’s first year showing and made a framed piece of art! I will walk you through it, the mistakes I made, and what I wish I had done different!


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A shadowbox frame: I love this one because it has multiple styles, sizes, and is one of the cheapest ones I could find. It also includes the glass and backing (something not all frames include!). I went with white because it fits my farmhouse/bright style, and I purchased the 24x30. Whichever one you choose, be sure that it is large enough for your ribbons and has at least a 3/4” depth.

Hotglue Gun/Sticks: Just a standard glue gun should work. I suggest using clear glue.

Scissors: I didn’t really use them, but they might be handy for you when pulling a part the ribbons.

Your ribbons: I would organize them by color/placing to make it easier for later.

Alright, now for the fun part!

1) So first you will have to take a part your ribbons. I know, I had a mini heart attack at first too. IT DOES GET EASIER!

  • I found that if you take off the first layer backing (not the entire paper, just that first layer) you can take off the hook pretty easily.

  • I then just rip off the stringy ribbons off the staple (carefully).

  • It is important you leave that final layer of paper on so you have something to glue onto the backing. Trust me, it is VERY hard to get the ribbon glued onto the backboard otherwise.

  • I recommend organizing your ribbons by color/placing. I put all the rosettes by color in one pile and then did the same for the ribbon streamers (I decided to hang onto them to make a quilt!).

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2) Once all the ribbons have been taken apart, arrange them onto the backboard. DO NOT GLUE THEM YET! Trust me, you will want to rearrange them several times to make everything even and pretty. Make sure the rosettes are not hanging off the backboard so that way it fits into the frame.

3) Once you have them arrange the way you want, THEN glue them. I recommend going down the line to make sure you get all of them.

4) Once everything has been glued, attach the backboard to the frame.

5) Find the perfect place to hang it and enjoy!

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I ended up using most of the ribbons from Athena’s first full show season. I saved our first ribbon and have it in a shadowbox in my office. That one is just too special to me and I couldn’t tear it a part. I saved the others for the next frame. This one hung in my office until we moved. I received SO many compliments on it.

I plan on making another with the ribbons from our second season (I just haven’t gotten around to that yet). I will use the same frame and size, I was really happy with it. I also want it to look cohesive and match future ones. We are currently building our own home/barn and I plan on hanging these in the tack room. It is such a pretty and elegant way to display wins without it looking messy.

I haven’t quite decided what I am going to do with high point/champion/Worlds ribbons. We have about 8 of them and I really don’t think I can tear those a part. I think I am going to hang them in the new tack room. Maybe if we get too many I will make a special champion frame or wreath. Not sure yet!

I hope that this helps you figure out great ways to display your ribbons! Do you have a unique way you display your wins? Comment below! I would love to hear about it!