May 2018


With Athena’s show schedule, vet appointments, and travel schedule, it was becoming increasingly more important that we get our own rig. While I was grateful for the friends that helped us get to shows and appointments, I really craved having our own independence and freedom. It was a huge scary thought to purchase a truck and trailer. I love to research thoroughly and was terrified to make the wrong decision. So for weeks and months I researched and looked for great deals.


I finally found a great truck and trailer and Athena and I were officially independent! I purchased a Ford F250 and a Sooner 3 Horse Trailer with a weekender LQ.

*Update* It was a very scary purchase, but it was by far the best decision I made in 2018! I am so grateful for that truck and trailer, the independence it brought us, and the opportunities it gave us!


Athena continued to heal and recover from her injury. My trainer and I worked with Athena to ride her bitless and surprisingly Athena really loved it! Athena looooved working in the bosel and I thought she looked so cute!

Thanks Ginger Horse Studio for the photos, and Gold Ribbon Open Horse Show for putting on such a fun show!


Although Athena was cleared to start riding in her bit the weekend of the show, I decided to play it safe and show her bitless. It was a challenge to say the least haha. She got a little chargy in the hunt seat classes in the regular side pull, but once she got all that energy out she really excelled in the Ranch Classes.


Despite the setbacks, trailing ourselves and doing the show on our own, and considering we had three rides in a sidepull/bosal she did AMAZING! We were up there in the top in the HUS classes and equitation class, won our halter class, did very well in showmanship got 2nd and 3rd in championship (had a great run but was knocked down thanks to a wasp during inspection), and won several ranch classes as well as our horsemanship class. We even pulled the Reserve High Point in Ranch, our second time showing in that division! That put us in the high points at our past three shows in a row!


Our ad for the Equine Chronicle came out and I was so ecstatic. I remember as a kid flipping through these equine magazines, admiring all the beautiful horses and people on their way to big dreams. These people where the cream of the crop, the best of the best. I always daydreamed of being there next to them one day, but would always brush aside my rockstar dream. I figured I just never would have the chance, it just never was going to happen for me.


But there we were, right there alongside the champions, going after some of my wildest dreams on a horse everyone said didn't have a chance. Worlds started becoming even more real! I set the goal of placing top 10 in one class. After all, Athena is a rescue that I trained myself under the guidance of my trainer. We have only been seriously showing for a year, we are definitely the underdogs!


But there we were, right there alongside the champions, going after some of my wildest dreams on a horse everyone said didn't have a chance. Worlds started becoming even more real! I set the goal of placing top 10 in one class. After all, Athena is a rescue that I trained myself under the guidance of my trainer. We have only been seriously showing for a year, we are definitely the underdogs!


So here it is y'all. Our first World Show Ad, featured on page 71 of The Equine Chronicle 🐴❤🏆🌎


And just another brag, but Athena also graced the cover of the Memorial Day Smartpak catalog! My baby girl is famous y’all! It was so fun getting the catalog in the mail and seeing Athena!


Thanks for reading and being so supportive of Athena and I! Be sure to follow us on social media to be the first to get all the latest updates and news!