Where did you get Athena?

I rescued Athena in a little town east of Fayetteville, NC. She was found in a pasture filled with horse skeletons, garbage, downed barbed wire, and car parts with no food and little water.

what events do you show in?

We show in the PtHA and open show circuits. We currently show in Huntseat, Showmanship, Equitation, Western Dressage, Horsemanship, and Ranch classes, with hopes to expand in more events in the future.



No, we do not. We are currently working on trying to find AQHA or APHA papers on Athena. If you have any tips or recommendations, please contact us here!

why don’t you jump athena?

We are focused on getting Athena’s angles in her feet correct before we jump her. Unfortuantely due to the lack of care she had before I rescued her, she is prone to lameness issues. We may show Hunter Hack, but she will never compete through a full hunter horse until she is cleared by our vet. Athena’s health will ALWAYS comes first.